Why 1300 numbers
For Tradespeople
A tradesperson is always on the move but also needs to be connected to customers. Never miss a phone call or lose important information because of a mobile and changing work schedule by using easyinbound products and services.
A Flexible Telephone System
Choose from any one of easyinbound’s flexible services to stay in touch with customers without losing focus on a current job. Simultaneous Ring allows tradespeople to divert calls to two separate numbers, such as the mobile phone of a tradesman currently out on a job and a landline office number. Multiple Call Routing options can also be changed using the mobile website so you never have to be interrupted.
Manage Important Information
Never lose a phone number by using easyinbound services. Options like Call Recording and Voicemail allow tradespeople to manage essential customer information like phone numbers and addresses using our web portal. Voicemails and recordings can be accessed from any smartphone or computer using the web portal and automatically sent to an email for easy availability.
Mobile but Accessible
easyinbound provides mobile business solutions that can be quickly modified according to a current situation. For example, avoid customer phone calls during a job by using the mobile website to easily route 1300 number calls, such as sending calls to a Live Answer service or voicemail.