Why have a 1300 number
1300 numbers provide many benefits for businesses, including start-ups, consultancies, tradespeople, marketers and established businesses.
Improve Marketing Strategy
- Having a 1300 number for your business allows you to improve your marketing strategy by tracking the performance of one or more advertisements. Use separate phone numbers in each advertising medium (e.g. Yellow Pages, a local newspaper, a letterbox drop), track the number of incoming calls and use this information to make an informed decision about where to spend in marketing.
Promote Business Growth
- A 1300 number allows your business to improve its operations by allocating time and resources more effectively. Chasing missed calls or tracking down staff members will no longer be an issue.
- Place a 1300 number in advertisements and marketing material to convey a professional appearance to customers.
- Manage multiple departments and/or offices using a single system.
Stay Flexible in Business
- We live in a mobile world. 1300 numbers and other call features allow you to get away from the desk when you need to be on the move. For example, calls can be rerouted to a mobile phone, a colleague or a live answer or our virtual office service.
Instant Customisation
- 1300 numbers and other call services allow a business to instantly change their call routing options depending on their specific needs. For example, a tradesman can choose to route calls to a voicemail or live answering service during busy periods and then instantly change the call routing to his mobile line when he is prepared to answer customers all from our portal and from a mobile phone.
Prioritise Customer Service
- Reduce missed and abandoned leads by routing incoming calls to an available staff member or live answering service at any time. Never miss an opportunity to connect with customers again.
- Direct callers to the most appropriate resource for their needs by providing a single phone number but routing the calls to a particular office based on the location of the caller; for example, route Victorian-based calls to the Melbourne office and Queensland-based calls to the Brisbane office
- Receive instant email notifications for voice messages, allowing you to monitor messages/voicemails from any location.
- Top-notch customer service will differentiate you from your competitors
Improve Calls and Sales Performance
- Customers using a 1300 number only pay for the cost of a local phone call when dialling from a landline; they will not hesitate to call your business
Track Performance of Staff
- Automatically record incoming calls to a 1300 number and track the performance of staff members
- Businesses may also count the number of incoming calls and the duration of the calls to track performance and leads
Cost-effective Solution
- 1300 numbers are more cost effective than many businesses realise. Callers simply pay for the cost of a local call, while with easyinbound the receiver pays a low flat rate per minute rate. Unlike the large market leader by number of numbers (I am sure you know who they are!) it does not matter from where the call originates – from a mobile or a land line from a regional area or a capital city, the rate is the same.